Дата: 29.05
Good morning!
Тема: Big cities in Ukraine
1. Прочитай текст №4, переклади:
Дата: 27.05
Good morning!
Тема: Future Simple Tense
1.Дивись відео урок:
Дата: 22.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль говоріння за II семестр
Вивчити вірш 2 стовпчика, зробити звуковий запис, надіслати у вайбер
роботу пiдписати та вiдправити до 23.05
Дата: 20.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль аудіювання за II с
1.Прослухай текст 2р.
2.Виконай тест, зроби скріншот
3. Роботу пiдписати та вiдправити до 22.05 lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 15.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль письма за II семестр
Class work
Read the text and fill in the correct word.
Дата: 13.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль читання за II семестр
1.Read the text. Прочитай текст .
Class work
роботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 15.05: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
1 урок Дата: 08.05
Good morning!
Тема: читання
2 урок Дата: 08.05
Good morning!
Тема: У мiстi
1. Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Friday,the eighth of May
Class work
2.Дивись видео урок, виконуй вказiвки вчителя:
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 06.05
Good morning!
Тема: У мiстi
1. Прослухай
2.Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Wednesday,the sixth of May
Class work
3. Дивись видео урок, виконуй впр. 1, 3 у зошитi, впр. 2 усно
4.Зроби руханку:
Дата: 29.04
Good morning!
Тема: Сьогоднi у нас урок читання
2. Спробуй перекласти ( дивись у словник-пiдказку)
Good morning!
1. Стор. 180 впр.1 прочитати, перекласти.(усно)
2. Новi слова записати у словник, вивчити.
Дата: 22.04
Good morning!
1. Стор.178 прочитати впр.4, перекласти, виконати письмово.
2. Пiдручник стор.179 впр.5 виконати письмово.
роботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 24.04: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Good morning!
Пропоную вiдпочити i подивитися:
Дата: 15.04
Good morning!
1. Повторити новi слова: пiдручник стор.173
2. Прочитати текст:
Text №3
Дата: 10.04
Тема: My favourite season
Good morning!
1. Прочитати текст: пiдручник стор.172-173 впр.2 (ще раз)
2. Виконати впр.3 стор.173 письмово (true - false)
3. Роботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 10.04: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Тема: My favourite season
Good morning!
Good morning!
Тема: Big cities in Ukraine
1. Прочитай текст №4, переклади:
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 27.05
Good morning!
Тема: Future Simple Tense
1.Дивись відео урок:
2. Напиши конспект у словник
3.Запиши у зошит:
Friday, the twenty-seventh of May
Class Work
4.Виконай згідно відео уроку:
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 22.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль говоріння за II семестр
Вивчити вірш 2 стовпчика, зробити звуковий запис, надіслати у вайбер
Дата: 20.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль аудіювання за II с
1.Прослухай текст 2р.
2.Виконай тест, зроби скріншот
3. Роботу пiдписати та вiдправити до 22.05 lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 15.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль письма за II семестр
Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Friday,the fifteenth of MayClass work
Read the text and fill in the correct word.
Прочитай уважно текст:
Hi Mark!
How are you? My name`s Betty and I`m 9 years old. I`m from England and I go to Green School. I`m new to the school. My favorite subject is Art and I also like PE and English. My lunch break is from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. Bill and John are in my PE class, but they aren`t in my Art and English classes. My English lesson is on Thursday.
Well, that`s about it. Please write soon and tell me about your school.
Bye for now,
Заповни пропуски:
1.Betty`s…….years old. 2. Betty is at…….School. 3. Betty`s……to the school. 4. …… is Betty`s favorite subject. 5. The lunch break is at…… 6. John is in …….class with Betty. 7. The English lesson is on……
роботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 17.05: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com Дата: 13.05
Good morning!
Тема: Контроль читання за II семестр
1.Read the text. Прочитай текст .
The music plays. The lights shine. The children laugh and talk. The monkey runs into the circus ring. He wears a purple jacket and a funny little hat. He runs, he jumps, he walks on his hands. He stands on a big ball and holds and umbrella. He rides a pink bicycle and plays a trumpet. He waves to the children. They laugh and clap.
At night the monkey looks through the bars of his cage and sees the moon. He shuts his eyes and sleeps. He sees a forest, dark and green. He feels warm rain on his face. He hears a parrot, a snake, a tiger. He swings and swings and swings through the trees.
2. Спробуй перекласти
3. Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Wednesday,the thirteenth of MayClass work
1. Where does the monkey play?
2. What colour is his bicycle?
3. What musical instrument does he play?
4. What does the monkey wear?
5. What does the monkey see when he sleeps?
Вiдповiдi повнi англ. мовоюроботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 15.05: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
1 урок Дата: 08.05
Good morning!
Тема: читання
1. Read the text. Прочитай текст .
Dolphins live in water but they are not fish. They need air to breathe. They can stay under the water for many minutes but then they must come up to the surface. Some dolphins live in the sea; some dolphins live in rivers. They like warm water the best. Sometimes dolphins swim close to ships. They jump out of water again and again. They can swim very fast – up to 55 kilometres an hour. A number of dolphins swimming together are called a “school”. There are small dolphins and big dolphins: some are two or three metres long. Dolphins are not dangerous. They are very clever animals and they love playing. Dolphins have smiling faces.
2. Спробуй перекласти ( дивись у словник-пiдказку)
1. breathe - дихати
2. stay under the water – залишатися пiд водою
3. surface – поверхня
4. close to ships – близько до кораблiв
5. fast - швидко
6. are called - називаються
Зроби перерву
3. Запиши новi слова у словник
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
2 урок Дата: 08.05
Good morning!
Тема: У мiстi
1. Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Friday,the eighth of May
Class work
2.Дивись видео урок, виконуй вказiвки вчителя:
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 06.05
Good morning!
Тема: У мiстi
1. Прослухай
Англійська мова 5 клас- Цікавий факт
2.Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Wednesday,the sixth of May
Class work
3. Дивись видео урок, виконуй впр. 1, 3 у зошитi, впр. 2 усно
4.Зроби руханку:
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Дата: 29.04
Good morning!
Тема: Сьогоднi у нас урок читання
1. Read the text (Прочитай текст )
Emily Jones is eleven and her hobby is collecting dolls. Four years ago her aunt gave her a doll from India. It had a beautiful dress, long dark hair and gold earrings. Emily loved it and started collecting dolls from other countries. Now she has more than fifty dolls in her bedroom.
Jim Hobbs loves sport and his favourite sport is basketball. Six month ago he watched a basketball match on TV and he liked it very much. Now he plays every day. He plays at school and he plays at home. He has big posters of basketball players on his bedroom walls and he reads magazines about basketball. There is one problem – Jim is not very tall. But he is a good player. He plays in his school team, and last week they won their first match.
2. Спробуй перекласти ( дивись у словник-пiдказку)
Словник - пiдказка:
1. gold earrings - золотi сережки
2. started collecting – почала збирати
3. favourite - улюблений
4. posters - плакати
5. team – команда
6. won - виграти
3.Відкрий зошит і запиши:
Tuesday, the twenty-eighth of April
Class Work
4.Запиши вiдповiдi на питання (англiйською)
1. What is Emily's hobby?
2. How many dolls does she have now?
3. What is Jim's favourite sport?
4. Where does Jim play basketball?
5. What problem does Jim have?
Зроби руханку
5. Запиши новi слова у словник
Якщо були питання, пиши: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com Дата:24.04
Good morning!
1. Стор. 180 впр.1 прочитати, перекласти.(усно)
2. Новi слова записати у словник, вивчити.
Дата: 22.04
Good morning!
1. Стор.178 прочитати впр.4, перекласти, виконати письмово.
2. Пiдручник стор.179 впр.5 виконати письмово.
Good morning!
Пропоную вiдпочити i подивитися:
Дата: 15.04
Good morning!
1. Повторити новi слова: пiдручник стор.173
2. Прочитати текст:
Text №3
Alex has a big tank in his room. He keeps tropical fish in his tank. These fish are beautiful colours. Alex bought his first fish a year ago. Now he has ten. He spends all his pocket money on them.
Yesterday he bought a new pet. It was very expensive. It cost £50 (pounds).
While Alex was going to the pet shop, his mother and his sister were sitting in the kitchen. They were waiting for Alex because they wanted to see his new pet. Sally, his sister, opened the door when he rang the door bell. She saw his new pet and said, “Mum! Alex has bought a horse!” She was joking. It was not a horse. It was a sea horse. Alex was happy, “Look! Isn't it beautiful?”
3. Письмово вiдповiсти на питання ( на англ.), сфотографувати, надiслати на пошту:lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
1. What does Alex have in his room?
2. How many fish does he have now?
3. What did Alex buy yesterday?
4. Who was waiting for Alex at home?
5. Was Alex happy?
Дата: 10.04
Тема: My favourite season
Good morning!
1. Прочитати текст: пiдручник стор.172-173 впр.2 (ще раз)
2. Виконати впр.3 стор.173 письмово (true - false)
3. Роботу пiдписати та вiдправити на пошту до 10.04: lvkurmyshkina@gmail.com
Тема: My favourite season
Good morning!
1 Прочитати новi слова: пiдручник стор.173, перекласти
2 Прочитати текст: пiдручник стор.172-173 впр.2, перекласти
3 Подивитися відео урок, повторити знайомi слова:
Дата: 03.04
Text №2
1. Read the text and translate.
I have twin brothers, Tim and Tom. They
are very similar and a lot of people don't know which twin is twin. They both
have blonde hair and blue eyes, and they always wear jeans and T-shirts. They
like wearing the same things, and they like doing the same things too. For
example, they both like pop music and they're crazy about football and
computers. They go to a football match every Saturday. They'd like to play
computer games every night, but our mother says they can't because they have a
lot of homework. Although they are twins, they aren't the same in every way.
For example, Tim works hard at school, but Tom doesn't. He's a bit lazy. Our
mother is often away from home because she travels a lot in her job, so we all
help in the house. Most of the time it's fine, but sometimes we fight a little!
Although they are noisy and sometimes naughty, I think it's fun to have twin